Corporate Olympics

If different countries can participate in Olympics and bring pride to their respective countries then why can’t coprporates replicate the same model.

CM CUP AND SPORTS EVENTS strongly believes that there are many Usain Bolts, Michael Jordans, Sachins, Sanias, P V Sindhus, Michel Phillips, Roger Federers in corporates. They just need the right platform to show their talent.

CM CUP AND SPORTS EVENTS specializes in conceptualizing, meticulously planning, hosting, organizing and flawlessly executing inter corporate sports carnivals and corporate sports days on a scale of Olympics at the best and the state- of –the- art venues like Common Wealth Stadium, Thyrag Raj Stadium, Sri Fort Stadium, Noida Stadium etc.

CM CUP AND SPORTS EVENTS specializes in all indoor sports and outdoor sports. We offer all services related to Corporate Olympics like venue bookings, games officials, catering, décor, branding of the venue, photography, sports music, meet and greet with sports celebrities, media conferences, transport, souvenirs and sports gear.